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  • Charlotte

Coffee Drinkers Go Green

Updated: Apr 21, 2020

Many of us drink coffee/tea on- the- go as part of our morning routine, at lunch time, and maybe once more in the afternoon : if any or all of these are you, read here for an easy, one- step move that will bring you, and us all, closer to solving a big problem: single use packaging.

Think of the countless coffees you've had. Now think of all the cups that have conveniently held that coffee for you. The truth is: all those coffee cups build up. It is a LOT, but lucky for us, there is a fast and easy solution. You never see me without mine: reusable coffee cups! They're an accessory, they're practical, and now you can drink your coffee guilt- free.

In no way am I affiliated with this company, SlM, but I love my cup from them, which I got through amazon: it comes in a ton of patterns and colors, several sizes, and with a couple different lids and straws. To make it really easy: or through amazon:

Of course there are other brands, all of which do the job, and I only mention this one because it has served me well. (Please feel free to share any brand you bought from that works & link it!)

The investment is worth it. Need more convincing? Glance at the numbers below.


Relevant Data

  • Individually, utilizing 1 disposable cup of coffee per day produces about 23 pounds of waste per year, and the vast majority of this ends in the landfill

  • Paper cups end in the landfill because of their plastic lining and coffee contamination, which render them not recyclable

  • A study by Starbucks found that each individual cup was responsible for 0.24 pounds of carbon emissions, which multiplied by 365, would result in 87.6pounds of carbon emissions - from your coffee cups alone - per year

  • 16 billion disposable coffee cups are used each year...

  • ...translating to 6.5 million trees being cut down...

  • ....along with 4 billion gallons of water gone....

  • .... and enough energy to power 54,000 houses...

..... all WASTED

These numbers may look big, but do not let them make us feel small. Join me in doing our part!

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